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Mobile App – Doing Yourself Vs Outsourcing

Alright, you have come up with an excellent idea for creating a mobile application. You have jotted down all the points as for how the app is going to work and also come up with a killer design for the application interface. But wait, you don’t have the faintest idea about how to code an application for any of the mobile operating systems out there.

The killer idea that’s going to take you from rags to riches is just sitting there probably on a whiteboard or on a few pieces of paper and getting wasted and you can’t do anything about it. Well sure you can join an app development tutorial but we all know that’s not a one day job. And by the time you master the trade of coding an application, somebody will probably come up with the same idea as yours by then.

So what do you do?

You can outsource your requirement to numerous mobile development companies out there or you can hire local freelancers to do the job for you. Both have its merits and demerits.

While developing apps through an in-house team provides great control and direction over the project. When you are working with a team in proximity the results are inevitably great. However, in-house mobile development teams are typically more expensive than an outsourced equivalent.

Whereas businesses that outsource mobile app development benefit from app development costs and the luxury of retaining management focus. But outsourcing inevitably results in less control over the project. That being said, most popular software like Skype and websites such as were outsourced in its early days.

Which device or platform should you develop for?

An estimated 1.75 billion smartphone users were reported by the end of last year. Out of which more than 1 billion users were reported running Android. The rest are taken up iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry respectively.

For your application to be a success you have to make sure that you atleast have the app on the Google Play Store and the Apple App store, i.e. for Android and iOS.

So if you want to create a mind blowing app be it for Android, iOS, Windows Phone or Blackberry check out Technofection Software and get a free consultation.